The CEC/ICMC 2025 program committee is organizing a series of special sessions which will be of interest to various attendees, including engineers/scientists, system-level developers, and industry-level representatives. These sessions will feature both special invited presentations and contributed talks.


Liquid Hydrogen Testing for Aircraft

Recent stakeholder reviews by NASA and the DOE have identified access to liquid hydrogen testing infrastructure as a barrier to the industry. Users of liquid and other forms of cryogenic hydrogen will need the ability to develop, demonstrate, and qualify new technology, components, systems, and vehicles for a multitude of possible transportation applications. In this panel, liquid hydrogen experts from several countries will discuss the development of liquid hydrogen test facilities and the challenges in developing new facilities.


NASA’s Cryogenic Fluids for Aerospace Propulsion Applications

NASA has multiple different technology development and vehicle development projects that are investigating technologies for liquid hydrogen and other cryogenic propulsion applications. While these diverse applications often need similar technologies, the integration and implementation can look very different. In this panel, developments in Aeronautics, Space Technology, and the Human Lander System will be discussed.


Materials for High Field Magnets

High-field superconducting magnets are transforming modern applications in fusion reactors, and accelerators. By pushing magnetic-field boundaries, they enable breakthroughs in plasma confinement and will be the cornerstone of future particle accelerators

This Special Session is being organized to consider materials for high field magnets, for fusion and high energy physics applications. It will cover a variety of materials such as structural materials, high temperature superconductors, polymers, and composites. The overall development of applications will be also discussed, as well as the interest of a centralized and reliable dataset of properties that could be used for simulations and ultimately, for fabrication.

The CEC and ICMC Organizers invite the community to propose Special and/or Joint Sessions within the general scope of the Conference. To submit your special and/or joint session proposal, please email the appropriate Program Chairs listed below prior to the abstract submission deadline to include the session title and abstract along with the motivation of the special and/or joint session.

Suggestions concerning the technical program, particularly topical workshops and special sessions, should be directed to the appropriate Conference or Program Chair.

CEC Conference Chair CEC Program Chair CEC Program Co-Chair
Srini Vanapalli
University of Twente
Amstelveen, Netherlands
Robert Duckworth
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Knoxville, TN
Srini Vanapalli
University of Twente
Amstelveen, Netherlands
ICMC Conference Chair ICMC Program Co-Chair ICMC Program Co-Chair
Sonja Schlachter
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Shreyas Balachandran
Jefferson Lab
Newport News, VA
Ignacio Aviles Santillana
Geneva, Switzerland