Emailed abstract acceptance notifications were sent to the submitting authors on March 30, 2017. Session assignment information was sent to the designated speaker(s) on April 7, 2017.

NOTE: The CEC/ICMC 2017 Conference Organizers occasionally need to make changes to the program. We urge you to check the schedule often, especially close to the conference, for last minute changes.

If you need to modify or withdraw your abstract, please submit your request to Centennial Conferences. Efforts will be made to fill gaps in the program left by withdrawn presentations. You will be notified by e-mail about any modifications to the program that affect the placement of your presentation.

Technical Program Information

The first character of the program number, C or M, represents the Conference designation, C for the CRYOGENIC Engineering Conference (CEC), M for the International Cryogenic MATERIALS Conference (ICMC). The second character, 1, 2, 3 or 4, denotes the day of the Conference: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. The third and fourth characters (Or or Po) indicate whether the presentation is in an oral or poster session. The last character, A-M, differentiates the sessions on a given day. Designated poster board numbers will be included in the printed program, to the right of the presentation ID.

-> The detailed Technical Program can be accessed via the “Timetable Views” here. <- 

Click here to open the Exhibit & Poster Session Floor Plan with Poster Board Numbers.

Tentative Schedule at a Glance

(Click on the image below to open the schedule in PDF format. Updated June 27, 2017.)

Schedule at at Glance 2017 v11