Deadline to Submit Extended Abstract: 11:59 PM, EST, February 20, 2017 (Note: this deadline is for the extended version of regular abstract. The regular abstract has to be uploaded by regular abstract deadline.)
In addition to the existing regular financial assistance program of CEC-ICMC, ICMC has established an enhancing program that allows for a full early registration fee waiver for students who attend the 2017 Conference.
This program allows for a full waiver of the ICMC early registration fee for students who:
- submit a regular abstract to an ICMC sorting category by the regular abstract due date,
- also submit a one page extended abstract by the February 20 deadline – see details below about where and when to submit the extended abstract, plus a template for the extended abstract,
- register as an ICMC participant,
- present at an ICMC session at the conference, and
- agree to submit a paper based on the presentation for publication in the ICMC proceedings. The manuscript must follow the CEC/ICMC manuscript format and is due by the conference manuscript submission deadline (July 10, 2017).
Fee waivers will be assigned on a space available basis in the available set-aside for this program.
The type of presentation can be either oral or poster, but the abstract must be accepted for the ICMC program in order for the waiver to be given. Only the presenting student of each extended abstract is eligible for the fee waiver; if one student is making more than one presentation, only one extended abstract for one of the presentations is needed for that student to participate in this program. Multiple students from the same institute/school and/or research group are encouraged to apply for the fee waiver, as long as they meet the above requirements.
Please send your extended one page abstract (click here for template) to Timothy Haugan (2017 ICMC Conference Chair) and Charles Rong (2017 ICMC Program Chair) by 11:59 PM, EST, February 20, 2017. In your email, include the abstract confirmation (assignment) number of your short abstract (submitted to the ICMC website) of which this abstract is an extension.
The review process will be completed by March 10, 2017. Decision notifications will be sent on March 12, 2017.
Upon approval by the Chairs, you will be notified by email and you will be given a code to use during registration for the registration fee waiver. Once this notification is sent, please register by the early registration deadline of May 17, 2017, as the waiver covers the fee for early registrations; those registering late will need to cover the difference.