The Cryogenic Engineering Conference and the International Cryogenic Materials Conference (CEC/ICMC) are the premier international conferences for discussion and presentation of research pertaining to the production and application of low temperatures. Every other year, these two conferences join together to form the CEC/ICMC Joint Conference. In 2013, the meeting place will be Anchorage, Alaska USA.
To further raise the profile of your organization or company, consider sponsorship. A variety of opportunities are available to suit a variety of marketing strategies and budgets. Typical opportunities include delegate bags with logos on the outside; coffee breaks; and receptions. We welcome your additional ideas. Check out the Sponsorship Opportunities or the Advertisement Opportunities for further information.
As a sponsor, you will be acknowledged with your name and logo on this conference website, printed materials, and signage displayed prominently at the venue.
The deadline for sponsorship opportunities is May 1, 2013.
If you are interested in providing support to the CEC/ICMC’13 or would like to include an advertisement in the Conference program book, please click here to download the Sponsorship and Advertisement Sign-up Form or contact us as follows:
Centennial Conferences
Louisville, CO 80027 USA
Phone: [001] 303-499-2299
Fax: [001] 303-499-2599