Submit Your Abstract


Abstract Submission is now closed. To make changes to or withdraw your abstract, please contact Centennial Conferences by email. Please be sure to include your abstract ID in any future correspondence.


  • CEC/ICMC 2015 accepts abstracts online only. The deadline to submit is Wednesday, February 4, 2015.
  • The abstract submission process is managed by the Integrated Digital Conference (INDICO) tool hosted by CERN. To submit an abstract and for all further follow-up actions, such as submission of your poster and oral presentation, you have to register for a Lightweight account at CERN.
  • Please execute the following easy four steps to submit your abstract:
1) Create your CERN Lightweight account here.
– Provide your e-mail address, your first name, last name, institute, and agree to the terms.
– Click on the blue button “Register”.
– You will receive an email notification to confirm your account registration. You can ignore this step 1) if you already have a Lightweight account at CERN. In this case, please start at step 2).
2) Next, go to the Indico-Conference site – click here to login to the submission site, see upper right corner. When logged in, click on the link “Submit Abstract” in the menu on the left to open the Abstract Submission Form.
3) Next, complete the following fields:
– Abstract title
– Abstract body (max 300 words including acknowledgements and footnotes)
– Select the preferred type of presentation; choose “Oral”, “Poster” or “No Preference”
– Add the primary author (preferably only 1)
– Add the co-authors
– Select only one track, either a CEC or an ICMC submission category
– You may add a comment for the program committee (only when really needed)
– Check the text and selections you made one last time
– Click on the “submit” button and the submission is completed
4) Finished! The authors will get a submission confirmation email immediately.
  • The author who submits the abstract is considered the corresponding author and will receive any and all future notifications. Submissions on behalf of another author are not permitted.
  • All co-authors must be entered into the abstract submission system. A valid email address for all co-authors is required.
  • Acceptance of an abstract for presentation does not guarantee publication in the conference transactions.
  • The corresponding author accounts for all 2015 accepted abstracts will be carried over to the online accounts used to submit manuscripts.
  • The preferred mode of presentation (oral or poster) is subject to change and will have no effect on the review of the submitted paper.
  • If you need to make changes to your submitted abstract prior to the submission deadline, please login to the submission site and click on “My Conference” then “My Contributions” to make your change(s).
  • If you need to make changes to your submitted abstract after the submission deadline, please contact Centennial Conferences by email. Be sure to include your abstract submission ID number.
  • Abstract Acceptance/Rejection notifications will be sent electronically on March 2, 2015.



Click here to create your CERN Lightweight account (if you do not yet have an account).


Click here to login to the Indico-Conference site to submit your abstract.